Thursday, July 2, 2009

What is Indian culture

A well known columnist and an economist, Gurumurthy, made a statement yesterday at Mysore that Indians are aping the west and that is not good. We should not, according to him, forget our culture. globalisation and opening up of culture and following the west will be doom for us, according to him. He suggests us to emulate Korea, Japan and Italy.

I know, some of you also may, that this Gurumurthy was advocating the good things gloabalisation can bring to India. And he made a public statement at Chennai four years ago on a IIA meet on globalisation that we should not worry unnecessarily about the bad things it may be pointed at. Now I am confused.

How to embrace gloabalisation and be part of the west dominated globla economy and still preserve ones culture. Have those countries really preserved their culture intact? And what is real core of Indian Culture. Saris for women andsuites for men? Puja in the morning and drinks in the evening?

Or corruption at all levels. or something else?

Is there an original Indian culture ? I am at a loss to understand. If any body knows, please tell me.

What is aping? Really. Is jeanswearing aping? Learning to use americanism aping? consumerism aping? liberalism aping? homosexuality aping? bride burning a worthy cause? modern medicine aping? spirituality and god men preservation of culture?

Changes always happen, aping are no aping. It is upto us to decide what is good? why blame others?


  1. I think Mr. Gurumurthy is making a populist statement and nothing more. India is a vast country with tremendous variety and diversity in its culture and traditions many of which are rooted in its long long history. It has attracted people from different parts of the world for trade, commerce and also those who were seeking political fortunes, resources and also wisdom. All such coming and goings have left their imprints in the evolution of its culture. Further, in the Indian situation there are layers and layers of people with different interests and inequalities. And of course we live in an era which is marked by exceptionally quick communication system( visual and audio and so on) and therefore it is all the more futile in terms of talking of isolation. People will adopt what they find is convenient, affordable and gives them "edge" over others. Modern technologies are immensely powerful.
    P.K.Misra; Camp Tallhassee.

  2. Thanks, PK. I agree. The report provoked me to comment.

  3. I hate change.
    I crave change.
    I crave what I hate.
    I am an idiot.

  4. nicely put. anonymously. You may add 'i hate what i crave. idiot is 'i do it' differently.

  5. Touching and hilarious at the same time!

    Aping the west is not good, aping the east (Japan, Korea, et al) is OK? When does emulate become ape? When I wear Jeans and Kurta and Kolhapuris, am I being Indian or am I aping the hippies from the west - of the seventies?

    Jayashree sent me here. I am glad!

  6. Thanks Anil. jayashree hastalked about you and has forwarded some of your blogs too.
